Energy and facility management software

Energy and facility management software is a term used to refer to an enterprise-wide platform for handling technical data related to buildings and stems from the merger of EMS (energy management software), CAFM (Computer Aided Facility Management) and EAS (Energy Accounting Software). As such it involves the gathering and processing or information that is required for maintaining acceptable indoor comfort level while minimizing energy use.



An EFMS serves a dual purpose:


Information Classes

To achieve its purpose an EFMS integrates several informational classes in a common processing environment, mainly:


An EFMS should be consisted of at least the following modules:


The processes performed in an EFMS fall under the categories of:


Applications of integrated EFMS suites will benefit mostly organizations with either very large and busy facilities, such as malls, hotel complexes and transportation hubs the complexity of which challenges operational efficiency and organizations with many buildings dispersed across remote locations such as retail chains, restaurant chains, banks and food store chains which operate medium sized buildings that stretch facility management operations to high costs.

